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June 2018 is Typhoon Preparedness Month




JIC RELEASE NO. 334 - Twenty-eighth COVID-19-Related Fatality Reported; GBHWC Crisis Hotline Available 24/7

The Joint Information Center was notified that Guam’s twenty-eighth COVID-19-related fatality occurred at the Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) today at approximately 4:30 p.m. (ChST). The patient was an 84-year-old male and had underlying health conditions. He was initially admitted to GMH on September 3 and tested positive for COVID-19 during initial work-up. 

JIC RELEASE NO. 333 - Twenty-seventh COVID-19-Related Fatality Reported; GBHWC Crisis Hotline Available 24/7

The Joint Information Center was notified that Guam’s twenty-seventh COVID-19-related fatality occurred at the Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) today at approximately 3 p.m. (ChST). The patient was a 45-year-old female and had underlying health conditions. She was initially admitted to GMH on August 17 and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19.


JIC RELEASE NO. 331 - DPHSS Directive Authorizes All Construction to Resume

COVID-19 test results are reported from multiple labs at varying times of the day. The Joint Information Center will report cumulative COVID-19 test results once a day, unless unavailable. 

For information on COVID-19 cases, visit the COVID-19 Dashboard and Situation Report at http://dphss.guam.gov/covid-19/. The COVID-19 Dashboard is updated on business days.

GHS/OCD Host Multiple Online Training Opportunities from NDPTC

The Offices of Guam Homeland Security and Civil Defense (GHS/OCD), in coordination with the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC), will host multiple online training opportunities. All training will be held virtually and are free to eligible participants.


·         Hurricane Awareness (AWR-343)  - Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 4 a.m. – 8 a.m. (ChST) OR Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4 a.m. – 8 a.m. (ChST)
