

E.g., 09/29/2024
E.g., 09/29/2024

JIC RELEASE NO. 316 - Twenty-first COVID-19 Related Fatality Reported;Older Adults and People with Serious Chronic Medical Conditions are Most at Risk for Serious Complications and Death Due to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19

The Joint Information Center was notified that Guam’s twenty-first COVID-19-related fatality occurred at the Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) early this morning at approximately 12:07 a.m. (ChST). The patient was a 74-year-old woman with comorbidities that were compounded by COVID-19. She was admitted to GMH on August 25.


JIC RELEASE NO. 315-Cumulative Results: Forty-five Test Positive for COVID-19; Profiles of Confirmed Cases;Update: Older Adults, People with Serious Chronic Medical Conditions are Most at Risk for Serious Complications and Death Due to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19

COVID-19 test results are reported from multiple labs at varying times of the day. The Joint Information Center will report cumulative COVID-19 test results once a day, unless unavailable. 

JIC RELEASE NO. 314 - Twentieth COVID-19 Related Fatality Reported;Older Adults and People with Serious Chronic Medical Conditions are Most at Risk

The Joint Information Center was notified that Guam’s twentieth COVID-19-related fatality occurred at the Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) this afternoon at approximately 12:00 p.m. (ChST). The patient was a 60-year-old female with comorbidities that were compounded by COVID-19. She was admitted to GMH on August 27 after testing positive at Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) that same day.


JIC RELEASE NO. 312 - Nineteenth COVID-19 Related Fatality; Five CQA Employees Test Positive for COVID-19; Additional Numbers for DPHSS Medical Triage Hotline

The Joint Information Center was notified that Guam’s nineteenth COVID-19-related fatality occurred at the Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) this afternoon at approximately 2:48 p.m. (ChST). The patient was a 64-year-old female with comorbidities that were compounded by COVID-19. On August 25, she tested positive for COVID-19 at Guam Regional Medical City and was transferred and admitted to GMH the same day. 




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