The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) is closed as of the declaration of Condition of Readiness 2. DPHSS provides the following update for their services.
DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Northern and SouthernRegional Community Health Center
The Northern Regional Community Health Center (NRCHC) in Dededo and the SouthernRegional Community Health Center (SRCHC) in Inarajan will opentoday at 2:00pm and for the duration of the storm for non-emergency cases.
The limited services that will be provided include the following:
- Patients who need power to connect to operate their oxygen machines will need to bring their oxygen machines to the center. They should also bring necessities such as food, drinks, and any required medication. Please bring only one individual to accompany you to the center.
- A doctor will be available to treat patients who need non-emergency care (light wounds, & minor injuries). If you are experiencing a life-threatening condition, please call 911.
- For information on the NRCHC, please call 635-7400.
- For information on the SRCHC, please call 828-7516/7517.
The three Adult Day Care Centers, Case Management Services, In-Home Services, Legal Assistance Services, 12 Senior Citizens Centers, Congregate Nutrition Services, Preventive Health, and National Family Caregiver Support Program services will cease operations at 12 noon today until such time COR 4 is announced.
It is anticipated that by 2:00pm, Transportation Services will also cease their operations.
In addition to today’s delivery of a warm meal, two days of Nutrition Services, dry goods, will be provided to our seniors who are homebound. The two days of dry goods is for Thursday, 10.25.18 and Friday, 10.26.18.
To report abuse against a senior (age 60 and older) or adult with a disability (age 18 years and older), on weekdays after 5:00 p.m. through 8:00 a.m., weekends and holidays, please contact the Crisis Intervention Hotline at 632-8853.
DIVISION OF PUBLIC WELFARE: Bureau of Economic Security (BES)
All appointments scheduled during closure or when COR 2 is declared (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid Program, Medically Indigent Program, and Cash Assistance Program) will be rescheduled once normal operations resume.
For rescheduling of appointments please call 735-7245 or 735-7274 for Central, 635-7429 or 635-7488 for Dededo, and 828-7542 or 828-8524 for Inarajan, once BES normal operations resume.
DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Food Safety Health Certificate Training Course
DEH would like to announce to all Health Certificate applicants who were scheduled to attend the Food Safety Health Certificate Training Course, at no cost, on the following dates -- see new schedule at the bottom.
All Food Safety Health Certificate Training Courses will resume as normal when Guam returns to Condition of Readiness 4.
All holders of Health Certificate that expired, or will be expiring on October 24 - 25, will still be honored until November 25, 2018. Should you have any questions, please contact the Division of Environmental Health at 735-7205 or 300-9579.
All U.S. Renal Care Dialysis Centers will close Thursday, October 25th in the morning. Dialysis treatments will resume once the centers re-open.
Patients are being contacted by dialysis staff members regarding their treatment schedule.
Telephone numbers:
U.S. Renal Care – Dededo: 637-3068
U.S. Renal Care – Finegayan: 588-0020
U.S. Renal Care – Sinajana: 475-3600
U.S. Renal Care – Tamuning: 646-3516
U.S. Renal Care – Tumon: 646-3773
Visit the following links for the latest advisory information:
- NWS Website:
- NWS Facebook:
- GHS/OCD Website:
- GHS/OCD Facebook:
- Governor Calvo Facebook:
- Joint Region Marianas Facebook:
For more information, contact the Joint Information Center at (671) 478-0208/09/10 or the GHS/OCD 24/7 watch desk at (671) 475-9600/(671) 482-7019.