Press Release: Flood Watch in effect


Press Release: Flood Watch in effect


The National Weather Service (NWS) Guam Weather Forecast Office issued a flood watch in effect for Guam from this evening through Thursday afternoon.. This will cause minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas.

A tropical disturbance, known as JTWC`s Invest 95W, will pass through the Marianas over the coming days, possibly as a tropical depssion or low-end tropical storm. While uncertainty remains in the details of 95W as it passes through the region, confidence is high in heavy showers and thunderstorms impacting Marianas, beginning this evening and continuing through at least Thursday

Residents and visitors are advised to take the following pcautionary actions;

  • Turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and do not drive on flooded roads.
  • In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route.
  • Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Hikers especially should avoid streams and creeks.

The Offices of Guam Homeland Security and Civil Defense (GHS/OCD) advise the community to practice caution while traveling in rainy conditions, driving below the speed limit and allowing enough braking distance between vehicles.

Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely.

Visit the following links for the latest advisory information:

For more information, contact Acting Public Information Officer Stephen Cahill at (671) 489-9517 or via email at



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